miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

Generating a java bean from a properties file

little introduction to .properties files

Well, this is my situation. In my work, often I'm in need of making configurable stuff so non-programmer users can configure certain aspect of a application only editing text files. Xml is great for that, specialy if you want to support complex data and formally define de format of the document with a DTD section. But, sometimes you need to define only few configurable string values and in these circunstance xml can be like killing a fly with a gun. A much more confortable way in these cases is to use .properties resources. These are plain text files with for example the following code:


In the most common situation you left these files inside your classpath and some java class will read them.

In the last example, a web service client will read the account information from a .properties file. For reading the properties, we can, for example, name the file account1.properties and store it in the same package as some WebServiceClientManager.class. In side this class we simply do

InputStream stream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("account1.properties");
java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
String username = props.get("username");
String password= props.get("password");

Note that java.util.Properties objects are java.utils.HashMap representing the key=value in the .properties file. Note that because of the last, the order of properties is not respected.

Generating java bean class code from .properties files

Well, in my case, I feel more confortable dealing with java objects than with maps (in which you have to work with string ids). So I've created the following class that is able to create a java class code (a java bean) with the properties expressed in a .properties file:

public class Properties2JavaBean {
private Properties props;
public String propertiesToBean(String className,
String packageName) throws IOException {
String attrDef = "\tString ", methodsDef="",
constructorSignature="\tpublic "+className+"(", constructorBody="{";
Iterator<object> it = props.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String k = (String) it.next();
constructorSignature+="String "+k;
attrDef+=", ";
constructorSignature+=", ";

return "package "+packageName+";\n" +
"/** this class was autogenerated from a .properties file"+
" by Properties2JavaBean */\n"+

"public class "+className+"{\n" +

methodsDef+"\n" +
"\n\n\tpublic static "+className+ " newInstante(){ " +
"\n\t\t"+propertiesToBeanConstructor(className, "inst")+
";\n\t\treturn inst;" +
"\n\t}\n" +
public String propertiesToBeanConstructor(String className,
String instanceName) throws IOException{
String s = className+" "+instanceName+" = new "+className+"(";
Iterator<object> it = props.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
s+=", ";
return s+");";
public void load(String s) throws IOException {
public void load(InputStream s) throws IOException {
props = new Properties();
String buildGetter(String propName) {
return "\tpublic String get"+changeFirstLetterMayus(propName, true)+
"(){\n\t\treturn this."+propName+";\n\t}";
String buildSetter(String propName) {
return "\tpublic void set"+changeFirstLetterMayus(propName, true)+
"(String attr){\n\t\tthis."+propName+" = attr;\n\t}";
public static String changeFirstLetterMayus(String strInput, boolean mayus) {
return strInput.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+
return strInput.substring(0,1).toLowerCase()+
private static InputStream stringToStream(String s) {
return new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes());

So, for example, if I execute this conversor for the .properties example listed above, the following java bean class code is created:

package org.sgx.claroscuro;
/** this class was autogenerated from a .properties file by Properties2JavaBean */
public class ConfigBean{
String serverUrl, password, username;
public ConfigBean(String serverUrl, String password, String username){
public String getServerUrl(){
return this.serverUrl;
public void setServerUrl(String attr){
this.serverUrl = attr;
public String getPassword(){
return this.password;
public void setPassword(String attr){
this.password = attr;
public String getUsername(){
return this.username;
public void setUsername(String attr){
this.username = attr;
public static ConfigBean newInstante(){
ConfigBean inst = new ConfigBean(
"", "xyz", "fulano");

return inst;

Nice, eh? As you can see, in the static newInstance() generated method this javabean is instantiated with the exacly the same information stored in the source .properties file.

So, if you are dealing with .properties files for your configuration stuff, and you are making javabeans manually, this class can be usefull... Use it as you wish.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2009

json parser in visual basic 6

json parser in visual basic 6

Recently, in work, I encountered with the following situation. A visual basic 6 desktop program need to comunicate with our main web application via web services. This webservices are json based. Until recently, there were no json librery / parser for visual basic 6. Today I found the only (seems) json library for visual basic.

My knowledge of vb6 is short and I don't like it (or eny other ms devel tools). But it seems that you can embed a javascript aprser in your vb6 programs using "MSScriptControl.ScriptControl.1" object. So the json parser is there! With this little class:

'a very little json library in vb using MSScriptControl.ScriptControl.1
'@author: sgurin.

Dim ScriptControl
Dim initialized As Boolean

Public Sub init_class()
Set ScriptControl = CreateObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl.1")
ScriptControl.Language = "JavaScript"
initialized = True
End Sub

Private Function evalCode(json As String) As String
json = Replace(json, """", "\""")
evalCode = "eval("" " & json & " "") "
End Function

Public Function getProperty(jsonObject As String, prop As String) As String
Dim ret As String
Dim jsCode As String
If Not initialized Then
End If
jsCode = "var obj = " & jsonObject 'evalCode(jsonObject)
ScriptControl.ExecuteStatement (jsCode)
getProperty = ScriptControl.Eval("obj[""" & prop & """]")
End Function

'for example getSimpleArrayItem("[{foo:1}, {foo:2}]", 0, "foo") == 1
Public Function getSimpleArrayItem(jsonArray As String, index As Integer, prop As String) As String
Dim jsCode As String
If Not initialized Then
End If
jsCode = "var arr = " & jsonArray
ScriptControl.ExecuteStatement (jsCode)
getSimpleArrayItem = ScriptControl.Eval("arr[" & index & "][""" & prop & """]")
End Function

Public Function getArrayLenght(jsonArray As String) As Integer
Dim jsCode As String
If Not initialized Then
End If
jsCode = "var arr = " & jsonArray
ScriptControl.ExecuteStatement (jsCode)
getArrayLenght = ScriptControl.Eval("function js_arrayLength(a){if(a==null||a.length==null||a.length==undefined){return 0}else return a.length;}js_arrayLength(arr)")
End Function

using this class one can parse a json string with for example:

Dim parser As New jsonParser
Dim s as String
msgbox "age: " & parser.getProperty(s, "age")

of another example:

Dim parser As New jsonParser
Dim size As Integer, i As Integer, s As String, json as String
s=" ages: "
size = parser.getArrayLenght(resp)
For i = 0 To size - 1
s = s & parser.getSimpleArrayItem(resp, i, "age") & ", "
Next i

Well, I hope somebody found this useful. Please feel free to use this code as a fundation for a real json parser in visual basic 6. We need more !