sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013

La justificación del "trencito"

Del por qué copiar en un exámen no es algo tan malo 

Un exámen en un liceo o universidad es un mecanismo que le permite al docente evaluar los conocimientos de un estudiante, más o menos objetivamente. Aquí hablaremos de un mecanismo que poseen los estudiantes de salvar ése examen llamado trensito (o en inglés cheatsheet).

De http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cheat%20sheet
1: a sheet containing information (as test answers) used secretly for cheating
2:  a written or graphic aid (as a sheet of notes) that can be referred to for help in understanding or remembering something complex

Tradicionalmente, un trensito consiste en una minificación visual de grandes cantidades de datos, visualizados sobre un papel de tamaño mínimo que puede ser consultado "discretamente" sin que el profesor vea para consultar información relevante durante la prueba. En general la información es seleccionada y estructurada muy objetivamente según las dificultades del autor, por ejemplo "los temas que no estudió" o "aquella fórmula complicada".

En este caso particular la causa de tal mecanismo es que esté prohibido consultar información durante la prueba. Sin embargo el concepto de "trensito" o "cheatsheet" en si se extendió a una técnica de visualización de la información hoy utilizada formalmente por los académicos cuando se tiene la necesidad de mostrar mucha información en una sola hoja, y la técnica se llama ni mas ni menos que cheatsheet. Algunos ejemplos formales:

En mi caso como desarrollador de software y siedo portador de una "mala memoria", dado que tengo que utilizar varios lenguages y tecnologías distintas, cada una con un lenguage o interface textual distinta, las cheat sheets son muy comunes en el ámbito profesional y en general una tecnica muy bien aceptada.

Éste es el principal argumento que afirmamos en contra de la supuesta "maldad" del trensito. La "maldad" como todas "las maldades" es objetiva y definida por un profesor, por eso las siguientes sentencias van para ellos:

Diseñar un trensito es una tarea que implica conocimiento sobre los temas a tratar en un exámen y muy probablemente el estudiante lo haya implementado no porque no estudió, sino porque su memoria "no le da" para tanta información o datos puntuales.

Reconozcan que la información se reproduce y nos invade exponencialmente. Ya pasaron aquellos tiempos en que una persona "sabía de todo", ahora debemos especializarnos intelectualmente si de verdad deseamos ser buenos en algo en la vida.

Reconozcan que la memoria de un ser humano si bien importante, puede verse comprometida ante tanta información, y que cualquier tarea intelectual requiere siempre de herramientas como el lapiz y el papel o la informatica para procesar o transmitir grandes cantidades de información.

Reconozcan que siempre y cuando el estudiante poseedor de un "trensito" sea el autor, entonces el sólo hecho de él mismo haber hecho un trensito el día anterior, implica que algo tuvo que haber estudiado.

Firma: Sebastián Gurin, alguien que se siente del lado del conocimiento pero a quien los exámenes de memoria siempre le costaron mucho.

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

lint CSS code

What is "linting" ? Programming languages can all be validated against its syntax reference, but nothing can prevent you to write bad code. Fortunately many common errors can be found in compile time, and especially if we are talking about non typed languages like javascript or CSS. So that's a linter, a compile-time program used to indicate possible mistakes or bad practices detected in our sources.

Today I'm happy because I've found a CSS source code linter recess that seems to be very nice, or at least it has philosophical posture about CSS very similar to mine and this is, in general the principles of Object Oriented CSS.

The CSS linter I've found is developed (and used) for bootstrap 3. I liked all the suggestions the linter tells me but the "Incorrect property order" so I disabled it (yes, there is a correct property order inside a CSS rule definition! ):

#install it
sudo npm install recess -g
recess all-my.css --strictPropertyOrder false

And the best part, it seems to work nicely with less sources
recess all-my.less --strictPropertyOrder false

Also, recess can be used for CSS minification and indentation or formatting of CSS. 

domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013

The Javascript Global Object JavaScript mystery

Today I will talk about a mystery that should be more noticeable because it is on the root of the code execution but only seems to be visible when having to face with different javascript runtime implementations (not only the browser). Since most javascript only face with The single environment the browser, lets talk about it: the problem of The javascript globals objects:

What is THE Javascript Global Object? Take in consideration the following  code:
var a = 1;
Here we declare 2 variables , but what's the difference. Well, in terms of usability the difference is that b is declared as a property of the global Object 'window' (in the browser) and so any javascript code can access this name (unless explicitly overriden).

So here is the first javascript mistery, So, how can I know, (as a javascript programmer), what is this Global Context Object ? For example, I need this object for performing some global evaluation and for that I need this Global Context object. The answer is simple:

`this` outside any function will be the global object.

Explained in other words, this is my way of understanding The Javascript Global Object:

Every code must be runned inside a function, even that code for which we don't see its corresponding function, like when we use eval() or the top-most code that is not inside any function. All the other javascript code resides on a function body. For the top most javascript written code we 

the chat conversation in irc.freenode.org#javascript that teach me :

(Cancerbero_sgx): hi all. question: when I assign a value to a name without the 'var' keyword, like global1=1, those variables are stored as properties of some global object, for example, in a browser on the 'window' object. Does that depends on the implementation?, or has the javascript language some reference this object ? example: for(var v in StandarGlobalObject){...} ? thanks in advance


(dwcook): Cancerbero_sgx, it's a property of the environment, not the implementation, whether the global object is the value of some global variable. In browsers, it is `window`.

(dwcook): There are other ways to access the global object. `this` outside any function will be the global object.
aha! thanks!

(Cancerbero_sgx) dwcook: so the implementation sets this initial environment value. Your "other ways to access" was what I wanted to know, thanks!

(dwcook): Cancerbero_sgx, no, it's not implementation-dependent. In different environments that all use V8, it could be `window` or `global` or something else.
However, the other way I mentioned is not dependent on implementation or environment.

(dwcook)It also works regardless of whether you're using strict mode.

(Cancerbero_sgx)aha nice to know, again thank you very much, these are the misteries of javascript that are hard to find googling ;)

(twey): Cancerbero_sgx: The global object is an object you specify when you're creating your Javascript environment (e.g. using V8).  It's up to you whether you give it a name; in browsers it's standard to call it ‘window’, but the only way to access it for sure no matter where your script is running is to use the global ‘this’.

(twey):  Cancerbero_sgx: A top-level name is just a reference, similar to (function() { var v = { }; v.v = v; return v; })()

(Cancerbero_sgx) twey: aja but for me that come from an OO language , it would never occur to me to reference 'this' in the global-root scope. till this moment 'this' only maked sense to me  inside a function and the context applyed to the function call. thanks!

(twey) Yes, the global ‘this’ is kind of magic.  Also, JS is also an OO language.  :þ

Well, an old javascripter that admit it is magic related to this issue. It is a mystery indeed.

But immediately we we start to suspect a relationship between the keywords var, this and with.

The first to notice is that, when declaring a named value, if we omit the keyword 'var' (when declaring a variable) or if we omit the keyword 'this' when declaring an attribute then the name is assigned as a property to the global object, in the case of browsers the window.  The following code try to show what i'm talking about:
// the Global Object. Because we are in the top-most context (no function sourrounding us) even if we are declared with 'var' we are global variables (properties of the current global object 'window'). This is an special case!
var Class1 = function(){
    nonattribute1="world"; //missing 'this' so this is a global veriable, this is a property of GLOBALOBJECT    
    var DeeperContext = function() {    
     var var1="just a veriable"; 
     global2="missing var so i'm global"; 
     this.attribute2="instance attribute";
     nonattribute2="missing this so i'm global"; // notice that DeeperContext constructor is executed on a second level context, but nonattribute2 name is assigned to the GLOBALOBJECT, not the parent context as some may expect.  
    this.attribute12 = new DeeperContext(); 
var c1 = new Class1(); 
console.log(GLOBALOBJECT); //at this point the GLOBALOBJECT contains 2 new properties nonattribute1 and nonattribute2

About me

this is, Sebastián Gurin - cancerberoSgx - as a software developer

These are some notes about the author of this blog with some links to his work, mostly related to my free software projects.


Developer profile

I have several open source software projects in many sites, but mostly in code.google.com and github.com. These are the links to my profile on each of them: 


How all this started? 

When I first saw a computer I always wanted to "solve its secrets" so I can use it for my own purposes. Have the luck of love programming, since the very beginning, and at that time (the 90's) the Internet wasn't what it is today.... TODO

What I like the most


My projects


miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Get final HTML markup of a JavaScript application using rhino - envjs

This article briefly describes how to dump the final HTML markup of any web site using serverside tool rhino-envjs. We will work into the release root folder so "cd" to it.

step 1 - download latest envjs release (as this writing 1.2) and uncompress it.
step 2 - download ant and run "ant" on the previously uncompressed envjs folder. This should build envjs. step 3 - create the file test1.js with the following content: 
var url = "http://jquery.com"; 
window.location = url; 
step 4 - in a shell enter the following command:
java -cp rhino/js.jar org.mozilla.javascript.tools.shell.Main \
  -opt -1 test1.js > test1.html

If everything was fine you can open the generated file test1.html with firefox and see the jquery generated markup, not a very visual replica but often useful for SEO and those. For each JavaScript error a Java exception will be printed on stderr.

In my case this is useful for 100% JavaScript web applications SEO support.

domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

Make a single .jar from many

What if  some project require several Java .jar files and for some reason you want to work with a single .jar with all of them inside? Or what if want to distribute your library, that requires several .jar to work, in a single .jar so it is less painful to new users? If you have permission on the other jars this is not a problem at all. The following is a sh script that uses the unzip tool:

rm -rf jartmp
mkdir jartmp
cd jartmp
unzip -u ../path/to/someJarA.jar
unzip -u ../path/toother.jar
unzip -u ../ahother/one.jar
zip -r myLibrary-alldeps.jar *
cd ..
rm -rf jartmp

The previous script will generate a myLibrary-alldeps.jar that contains the three previousgiven .jars files, all inside. This way the user of your library do not have to download your library's dependencies. Hope this serves somebody.