miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Get final HTML markup of a JavaScript application using rhino - envjs

This article briefly describes how to dump the final HTML markup of any web site using serverside tool rhino-envjs. We will work into the release root folder so "cd" to it.

step 1 - download latest envjs release (as this writing 1.2) and uncompress it.
step 2 - download ant and run "ant" on the previously uncompressed envjs folder. This should build envjs. step 3 - create the file test1.js with the following content: 
var url = "http://jquery.com"; 
window.location = url; 
step 4 - in a shell enter the following command:
java -cp rhino/js.jar org.mozilla.javascript.tools.shell.Main \
  -opt -1 test1.js > test1.html

If everything was fine you can open the generated file test1.html with firefox and see the jquery generated markup, not a very visual replica but often useful for SEO and those. For each JavaScript error a Java exception will be printed on stderr.

In my case this is useful for 100% JavaScript web applications SEO support.