What is "linting" ? Programming languages can all be validated against its syntax reference, but nothing can prevent you to write bad code. Fortunately many common errors can be found in compile time, and especially if we are talking about non typed languages like javascript or CSS. So that's a linter, a compile-time program used to indicate possible mistakes or bad practices detected in our sources.
Today I'm happy because I've found a CSS source code linter recess that seems to be very nice, or at least it has philosophical posture about CSS very similar to mine and this is, in general the principles of Object Oriented CSS.
The CSS linter I've found is developed (and used) for bootstrap 3. I liked all the suggestions the linter tells me but the "Incorrect property order" so I disabled it (yes, there is a correct property order inside a CSS rule definition! ):
#install it
sudo npm install recess -g
recess all-my.css --strictPropertyOrder false
And the best part, it seems to work nicely with less sources
recess all-my.less --strictPropertyOrder false
Also, recess can be used for CSS minification and indentation or formatting of CSS.