martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017

install your own local git server

This is an easy way of having your  local git server up and running

 * install docker

 $ docker pull jacekkow/gitblit
 $ docker run -d --name=gitblit \
    -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 \
    -p 9418:9418 -p 29418:29418 \

Gitblit interface should be available at

(user/password: admin/admin)

sábado, 1 de julio de 2017

install dropal in ubuntu server

So, I found a couple of articles, very practical, that explain how to install drupal in a ubuntu linux from scratch. First one is how to install LAMP and the second one is how to install drupal Just copy and paste command lines in your ubuntu as root, first the LAMP part and second the drupal article.